IELTS Speaking: Part 3: Using Comparatives

Comparatives are very important — they increase your range of language and show how versatile you are.

The simple comparatives should already be very familiar to you.

  • Although I‘m taller than the others in the team, they play much better than me.
  • E-mail is much more convenient than writing a letter longhand

  • My sister is smarter than all of us

They are especially important in the Part 3 conversation between you and the examiner, who might ask a question that wants you to directly make comparisons. If that’s the case, you’ll have to use them. Otherwise be aware of them and try to get them into other answers.

And don’t forget other ways to compare:

  • I‘m just as intelligent as him, but he always gets higher grades.
  • My other cat is not as fat as Kitty, but she’s just as devious.
  • Although it’s not as far to my new office, it takes me longer to get there.

They are also useful for another reason. Sometimes students complain that in an IELTS exam they didn’t know what to talk about, or they run out of things to say! If that happens, just compare whatever you are talking about to something else. It’s just a simple trick to give you more things to say.

Compare to the past, a different place, a different kind of food, a different member of your family, a different whatever.

Here’s another trick if you want to show your range of language: Say what you prefer or what you would rather do. It’s not strictly a comparative in the grammatical sense, but so what? It’s useful.

  • prefer A over / to B
  • would rather A than B
  • A is B rather than C

Let’s see them at work:

  • Playing tennis is my favorite pastime — I’d much rather do that than any other kind of sport.
  • That restaurant really serves the best food, which I prefer to most other kinds.
  • Strictly speaking, it’s a horror movie rather than a thriller.

Oh, and of course don’t forget the superlatives . . .

About Paul Davey

I’m Paul from Bristol, England. I am an IELTS tutor available for face-to-face classes in Taipei and Skype classes anywhere in the world. I'm based in Yonghe, New Taipei City — very close to Taipei. I have been teaching for many years and I am good at it. I’m patient and never tire of correcting students’ mistakes. I know many good ways for students to learn quickly and make a lot of progress in a short time. You won’t be wasting your money. I especially know the difficulties faced by Chinese speakers, and I know how to overcome these difficulties. IELTS is my primary concern and over the years I have taught hundreds of students in the UK, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other spots around the world. I know what the examiners look for and I know how to increase your band and get the grade you need to make your dream come true. I have been blogging about IELTS for about a decade. I started my first website in 2007, before beginning to blog at IELTS Tutor on the Hello UK website. Now I blog only at IELTS in Taiwan and Around the World. I majored in Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, UK, graduating with a bachelor’s degree (2/1 with honours). I obtained my language-teaching qualification in 2006, which is accredited by the Royal College of Teachers. Before I began teaching, I worked in a software company in the UK, writing and selling software solutions. After teaching for many years I took a five-year break to run my own retailing business. Following that adventure, I returned to full-time teaching. For the last 11 years, I’ve been in Taiwan, where in addition to my IELTS work, I have taught corporate classes at Taipei Bank, Pfizer, and Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC, Taiwan). I have interests in many fields including travel, literature, science and history.
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