IELTS Speaking Part-3: Old People ctd

We have already seen how to add structure to your Part-3 answers. And we have practiced that with some Part-3 questions about old people.

Here are a few more questions about old people with some real answers given by students.


Question: In your mind, at what age is a person old?

I’m 30 years old, so I think double my age, 60 or 65 years old, would be old enough. Because it is said that one generation equals to about 30 years. Accordingly, if someone is a generation above me, I will call him an old man and he will probably already be retired.

It’s a little messy and lacks organisation. So, let’s do the same as before and use the same linking words, sign-posts and natural speech that we used in the Part-2 speech. In addition to these three things, we can use an opening sentence to set up your answer:

I suppose that whether or not a person is old depends on two things.

First, I’d have to say that … 

Besides that, age can also be indicated by occupation. As we know, …

So, now that we have a pattern we can think about adding essential grammar patterns and vocabulary in order to score a higher grade. (As we did for our Part-2 speech)


elderly / grandparent / youngster / occupation / generation / stage

Grammar Patterns:

Although … , …

Subjunctive: If …, would …

So, here’s the polished answer:

I suppose that whether or not a person is old depends on two things.

First, I have to say that although I’m just 30, I no longer feel like a youngster; and someone a generation above me, double my age, perhaps 60 or 65, would probably be a grandparent and must be regarded as old.

Besides that, age can also be indicated by occupation or the stage a person is at in his life. As we know, people can retire at 65 and I guess that if I were already retired I would consider myself as old.

Now you try with these Part-3 questions:


  • Why don’t old people like to go to movie theaters?
  • What facilities are available for old people in your hometown?
  • How can retired people continue to contribute to society?

About Paul Davey

I’m Paul from Bristol, England. I am an IELTS tutor available for face-to-face classes in Taipei and Skype classes anywhere in the world. I'm based in Yonghe, New Taipei City — very close to Taipei. I have been teaching for many years and I am good at it. I’m patient and never tire of correcting students’ mistakes. I know many good ways for students to learn quickly and make a lot of progress in a short time. You won’t be wasting your money. I especially know the difficulties faced by Chinese speakers, and I know how to overcome these difficulties. IELTS is my primary concern and over the years I have taught hundreds of students in the UK, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other spots around the world. I know what the examiners look for and I know how to increase your band and get the grade you need to make your dream come true. I have been blogging about IELTS for about a decade. I started my first website in 2007, before beginning to blog at IELTS Tutor on the Hello UK website. Now I blog only at IELTS in Taiwan and Around the World. I majored in Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, UK, graduating with a bachelor’s degree (2/1 with honours). I obtained my language-teaching qualification in 2006, which is accredited by the Royal College of Teachers. Before I began teaching, I worked in a software company in the UK, writing and selling software solutions. After teaching for many years I took a five-year break to run my own retailing business. Following that adventure, I returned to full-time teaching. For the last 11 years, I’ve been in Taiwan, where in addition to my IELTS work, I have taught corporate classes at Taipei Bank, Pfizer, and Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC, Taiwan). I have interests in many fields including travel, literature, science and history.
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